This year's national day parade was an overwhelming success. On the 9th of August, singaporeans witnessed the passing of another year of the their homeland, singapore.
Four minutes and six seconds. Time held its breath while the nation sang
Home together. At 20:10, the nation stood up as one to say the national pledge,
which set the scene for the One Voice moment. This showed the closeness of
the country and its citizens. The 2010 national day performance has been
Singapore's best so far.
This exceptional performance is the fruit of Singapore's united response during times of crisis, which allowed the country to take the advantage of improved global conditions.
Singapore has put up a good show. Not only to its citizens, but also to foreigners who are here for the Youth Olympic Games. Singapore, just like China in the 2008 Olympics, has made a shock-wave on the minds of people near and far. So much so that it has even caused a permanent resident to be moved o tears by its spectacular performance.
I feel that it boggles the mind when one thinks of how much Singapore lacked in terms of people, resources and others, turned itself form a third world country to a First World nation in a mere 45 years.
Furthermore, Singapore is now one of richest first world countries. She has topped other first world countries in per capita gross domestic product. Personally, i feel that the success of the country can be credited to Singaporeans, particularly Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, which was one of our fore founding fathers during the tumultuous times after World War Two. Great men have have made this country the world's cleanest, greenest and safest.
I can safely say that Singapore has done its fore founding fathers proud through National Day 2010.
Here are some shots of the spectacular fireworks.

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